Sunday 13 January 2019

Best ways to stay fit and healthy


In this beautiful world how can we stay fit and healthy ?In our daily busy life, we do not have time for ourselves . So how to stay fit without having much time ? When I am thinking about all this, always comes to my mind are gym , aerobics , zumba and all .You may not have time to go to the gym , but can still be physically active and boost your metabolism by using a bit of creativity in planning your day. So I am sharing with you all today some tips that I am taking in my life.

1.Firstly we should give ourselves a break from stress. Stress is the biggest culprit in our lives . Stress causes physical changes in the body that can accelerate aging.

2.Stay hydrated . Always drink atleast 8 glasses of water daily . There are many apps in the playstore that will remind you about drinking water.

3.Eat a balanced diet.

4.Take the stairs.

5.Play games with your kids.

6.Get enough sleep.

7.Use smaller plates for unhealthy foods.

8.Eat fiber rich food and plenty of proteins.

9.Eat without electronic distractions.

10.Eat less salt.

11.Avoid sugary drinks.

12.Eat your food slowly.

13.Do yoga or pilates while watching TV.

14.Practise stretching or light yoga moves while talking on the phone.


fitness tips

FITNESS TIPS FOR WOMEN: Women are busier today than ever and many may think they don’t have time for exercise. 30 minutes of exercise e...
